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International organizations, such as UNESCO or the EU, which were founded by nation states, rely on the proper planning of their budgets to maintain their infrastructure. KLAUS GOETZ has examined how these organizations put together their budgets. As he explains in this video, he and his co-researchers established two main results after evaluating standing orders, public documents as well as internal documents, and after conducting interviews. First, contrary to common assumptions the bureaucratic approach to budgeting works well. The second finding, however, points to a change in the financial sources for many of the organizations. Their core budget is allocated by the founding nation states. This, however, has become less important as these organizations increasingly rely on funding they receive for special purposes and on money from private donors. Such donations tend to come with certain expectations and thus the character of these organizations is likely to change.

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Original publication
Resourcing International Organizations: Resource Diversification, Organizational Differentiation, and Administrative Governance
Global Policy
Published in 2017
Reading recommendations
Pressured Budgets and the European Commission: Towards a More Centralized EU Budget Administration?
Journal of European Public Policy
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The Institutional Design of Funding Rules at International Organizations: Explaining the Transformation in Financing the United Nations
European Journal of International Relations
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Coping With the Sellout: Bureaucratic Governance and the UNESCO Budget Crisis
IPSA 24th World Congress of Political Science
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